
Showing posts from March, 2013

powerbi - Power BI - Update Connection Strings via API for AWS Redshift -

here planning achieve: we have created reports using aws redshift data source. and, can publish pbix files workspace using create import api ( ) we trying update connection string on datasets using datasource api set connections ( ) i'm newbie power bi.. seeking guidance... let's say, developed report pointing aws redshift on development environment. trying automate publishing developed report qa or staging or production environments; means published report have point aws redshift on qa or staging or production environments. today, when upload pbix file, power bi service prompts provide credentials. doesn't allow change server information. and, want ability change or point different server. here appreciated. this means, we'd have create reports specific each environment , not want. we under impression set connections api come-in h

vue.js - vuejs directive based on variable -

is possible dynamically assign directive? assign success or error based on variable named type. (which replace): v-snackbar(v-if="type === 'success'", success, timeout=3000, bottom=true, right=true, v-model='snackbar') {{ snackbartext }} v-btn(flat, @click.native="snackbar = false") v-icon close v-snackbar(v-if="type === 'error'", error, timeout=3000, bottom=true, right=true, v-model='snackbar') {{ snackbartext }} v-btn(flat, @click.native="snackbar = false") v-icon close error , success not directives, props on v-snackbar component. you can bind error , success props directly boolean expression or variable. v-snackbar(:error="type === 'error'", :success="type === 'success'", timeout='3000', bottom='bottom', right='right', v-model='snackbar') | {{ snackbartext }} v-btn(flat='flat', @click.n

php - include the related entities values in the result of a doctrine query -

i'm doing doctrine query, , results include properties of queried entity, not doesn't "follow" , fetch values of related entities. e.g. have query inside of ofertarepository : $query = $this->createquerybuilder('o'); $query->select('o'); $query->leftjoin(pais::class, 'p', 'with', 'o.idpais ='); $query->leftjoin( contrato::class, 'c', 'with', 'o.idtipocontrato ='); $query->andwhere('p.nombrecorto = :pais'); $query->andwhere('o.activa = 1'); $query->andwhere('o.eliminado null'); $query->andwhere('o.caducidad > :hoy'); $query->setparameter('pais', $pais)->setparameter('hoy', new \datetime()); return $query->getquery()->getarrayresult(); the entity oferta has: /** * @var \application\entity\pais * * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="application\entity\pais") * @orm\joincolumns({ * @orm\jo

java - Sorting through ArrayList of Objects, Add given Instance to ArrayList of given instances issue -

i'm getting error no suitable method found add(object), method collected.add(student not applicable) when try following code. swear i've done way before? confused. appreciate insights. cheers //sort , display list of student objects sortby (surname or id) public static void sortanddisplaystudents(string sortby, arraylist<object> objlist) { arraylist<student> students = new arraylist<>(); //add objcets in objlist student for(object s: objlist) { if(s instanceof student) { students.add(s); } } } just avoid errors, change way construct array list: arraylist<student> students = new arraylist<>(); arraylist<student> students = new arraylist<student>(); as add method, want cast passing object otherwise jvm not know object being passed instanceof student: students.add((student) s); also, should ide , solve these problems before happen. wiki

node.js - Alexa: Emit not working in chaining of function -

i trying ask question user , using amazon.yesintent , nointent capture response. in case response, calling other function should emit user. emit not being called. code below: 'use strict'; var alexa = require("alexa-sdk"); var https = require('https'); var alexa; exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) { alexa = alexa.handler(event, context); alexa.registerhandlers(handlers); alexa.execute(); }; var handlers = { 'launchrequest': function() { alexa.emit(':ask', 'my text'); }, 'oneshotintent': function() { var self = this; // removed code simplicity self.attributes['yes_no'] = true; alexa.emit(':ask', 'sample yes no question'); }) }, 'amazon.yesintent': function () { if (this.attributes['yes_no']) { delete this.attributes['yes_no']; alexa.emit('oneshotsecond'); } }, 'oneshotsecond'

bluetooth lowenergy - How do I confirm bonding is completed before proceeding in an Android program -

now, title question may sound bit nonsensical hear me out: i want use phone connect ble device. connection kind of supposed encrypted bonding must. the thing is, program used work in non-bonding relation ble device, seems "rush" operate on relevant characteristics before bonding complete. and how bonding done: ble device prompt message on phone , ask me enter password (which know, duh). and problem, before finish entering password, app said, "rushes" operating characteristics managed enumerate, causes either unknown gatt error 133, or error 5 insufficient privilege. now, afaik, possible discover before bonding need bond in order something, write , read? . might explain why whole "rush" phenomena exists in first place. my question is, how set flag or use function somewhere wait bonding finish, before proceeding further? wiki

How to return a value from ansible playbook to an shell script? -

i call playbook shell script , example #!/bin/bash upgrade=`ansible-playbook -i /etc/ansible/hosts checkupgrade.yml` echo " upgrade value $upgrade " i want return/set variable checkupgrade.yml, caller script can use further use. note: don't want write value file wiki

python - Confused about tensorflow sessions -

im working tensorflow , used tensorflow tutorial training cifar-10 network. training using monitoredsession. with tf.train.monitoredtrainingsession( checkpoint_dir=model_path, hooks=[tf.train.stopatstephook(last_step=max_batches), tf.train.nantensorhook(cross_entropy), _loggerhook()]) mon_sess: while not mon_sess.should_stop(): in last line there run(train_step). , whats nice here is, function used until max_batches reached. put own code arround this. but want use normal session. because want use own concept of checkpoint saving , implementing validation-set. if use normal session like with tf.session() sess: while(whatever): it doesnt work in monitored session. steps not repeadly. monitored different? , how can solve that. thanks :) wiki

How to solve error Android\sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:958 -

i have create helloworld project in netbeans of android ... getting error when debugging project please explain me error occure here images: wiki

Update Git password after changing GitHub password -

i know question has been asked many times none of answers helped me, i've updated password account on github , can't push on github repository. don't understand have re-configure git github account, i'm pretty new git ... are on os x? if so, may need reset local credential storage new password. see: wiki

xrandr can't set up right screen resolution for screen 1 (ubuntu) -

summary: a computer running ubuntu have geforce video card 2 monitors. need set screen resolution second monitor, xrandr doesn't allow it. computer detects 2 screens (0 , 1) instead of 1 screen double sized desktop. how set screen resolution screen 1? (i don't want use extended desktop). scenario: it computer running ubuntu 14.04 lts geforce gtx 750 1gb zotac video card, 2 dvi outputs. using xrandr set resolution of second screen. xrandr tells me there 2 connected screens, screen 0 , 1. both connected dvi vga adapter. problem: the main screen (screen 0) detects correct configuration immediately. secondary screen (screen 1) fixed @ 800x600 or @ best, 1024x768, should @ 1360x768. i have tried turning screen off , on , indicating resolution immediately: xrandr --screen 1 --output dvi-d-0 --off xrandr --screen 1 --output dvi-d-0 --auto -s 1360x768 but command ignores setting of definition. or, error: badvalue (integer parameter out of range operation) major opco

Can't get MySQL Connector/Python to Return Dictionary -

i have python application, in i'm calling mysql stored procedure view, so: import mysql.connector proc = 'audit_report' parms = [data['schoolid'], datetoiso(data['startdatedefault'],'from'), datetoiso(data['enddatedefault'],'to'), joinintlist(data['studypgms'], joinwith), joinintlist(data['fedpgms'], joinwith), joinintlist(data['statuses'], joinwith), data['fullssndefault']] conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='usr', database='db', password='pwd') cursor = conn.cursor(dictionary=true) cursor.callproc(proc, parms) result in cursor.stored_results(): print(result.fetchall()) i getting data returned list of tuples, standard output. since i'm using connector version 2.1.7, docs adding dictionary=true to cursor declaration should cause rowset returned list of dictionaries, column name key of each dictionary. main difference between application , example in docs i&

why Keras 2D regression network has constant output -

i working on kind of 2d regression deep network keras, network has constant output every datasets, test handmade dataset in code feed network constant 2d values , output linear valu of x (2*x/100) out put constant. import resource import glob import gc rsrc = resource.rlimit_data soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(rsrc) print ('soft limit starts :', soft) resource.setrlimit(rsrc, (4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, hard)) # limit 4 giga bytes soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(rsrc) print ('soft limit changed :', soft) keras.models import sequential import keras.optimizers keras.layers import dense, dropout, activation, flatten, batchnormalization keras.layers import convolution2d, maxpooling2d,averagepooling2d import numpy np import random keras.utils import plot_model sample_size = 1 batch_size = 50 input_shape = (int(720 / 4), int(1280 / 4), sample_size * 5) # model model = sequential() model.add(batchnormalization(input_shape=input_shape)) model.add(convolution2d(128, (

node.js - how to control nodejs webpush in forEach -

i sending chrome notification via web-push nodejs in foreach , , updating log table in callback. happens last record updating records. how control this. here code records.foreach(function (record) { var msgd = queuerecords[nc].message.split('####'); var payloadmessage = ""; if (arrsubscribedetails[bc].source == "desktop") { // desktop payloadmessage = msgd[0] + '####' + msgd[2] + '####' + msgd[3] + '####' + msgd[4]; apptype = 10; } else { // wap payloadmessage = msgd[1] + '####' + msgd[2] + '####' + msgd[3] + '####' + msgd[4]; apptype = 1 } notitype = msgd[5]; webpush.sendnotification(arrsubscribedetails[bc].endpoint, { ttl: 345600, payload: payloadmessage, userpublickey: arrsubscribedetails[bc].publickey, userauth: arrsubscribedetails[bc].authenticationkey, }, function (subsdet) { var vartimestamp = o

javascript - jQuery animate() step: cross browser now argument -

disclaimer: i'm new in jquery animations , problem sounds stupid has have easy solution can't find reference of existing when searching online. disclaimer 2: code you'll see not optimised, need work. so have svg , have animate of components, , that's no problem. i wrote piece of code should work cross browser, doesn't , know why have no idea how fix it. $('#button_next').bind('click', function(){ if(!(parsefloat($('#last_rectangle').attr('x')) <= 308.1)){ $('.activescroll').each(function(){ var xvalue = parsefloat($(this).attr('x')); // $(this).attr('x', (xvalue - 45 - 85.5)); $(this).animate( { x: "-=130.5" }, { duration: 1000, step: function(now) { $(this).attr('x', now); } }); }); } }); what (and works in chrome) changes x value smoothly giving me

javascript - Same amount charged with multiple stripe checkout forms -

i have 3 checkout forms on webpage let user choose between 3 plans (9,99 - 29,99 - 49,99). each of them processed different php script regardless plan user choosing, last plan being processed (49,99). i'm looking solution solve problem. thanks <div class="row m-t-30"> <!--pricing column--> <article class="pricing-column col-md-4"> <div class="inner-box"> <div class="plan-header text-center"> <h3 class="plan-title">up 10 members</h3> <h2 class="plan-price">9.99€</h2> <div class="plan-duration">per month</div> </div> <div class="text-center"> <form id="formplan1" action="scripts/process-payment-plan1.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden&quo

A batch file to check internet connection and shutdown pc, if offline -

the title pretty says all. so, have no-break connected pc, because have lot of blackouts here live. problem is: if i'm not @ home, shutdown pc correctly if there blackout? so, realized modem not connected no-break; means that, in case of black-out, modem turn off, thus, no internet reach computer, kind of way tell pc when lights out. sure, might not case (sometimes internet goes off reasons other power), accept risk. so, looking code that, once execute (what i'll when i'm leaving home), checks if there internet conection. if yes, nothing , keep checking. if not, shutdown computer. wiki

c# - How to put an alert box using javascript and -

i want know how put alert box using javascript , have created webpage admin fill form, , after clicking submit button, there should alert box popup message says upload successful or upload failed. i tried doing code(i included javascript code , asp submit button): <script> function uploadstatussuccessful() { alert("upload successful!"); } </script> <script> function uploadstatusfail() { alert("upload failed!"); } </script> <asp:button id="button1" runat="server" cssclass="submitbutton" text="save item" onclick="button1_click"/> and here code-behind: protected void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { try { int item_brandid = connectionclassbrands.getidbybrand(itembrand.text); string item_model = itemmodel.text; double item_price = convert.todouble(itemprice.text); stri

android studio - Code generated by Record Espresso Test for recycler view throwing an exception -

i want match title of recycler view custom text so, used android studio built in tool "record espresso test", after adding assertion when try run test file throws exception. following code generated espresso record tool @test public void mainactivitytest() { viewinteraction textview = onview( allof(withid(, withtext("making way downtown, walking fast..."), childatposition( allof(withid(, childatposition( withid(, 0)),2),isdisplayed())); textview.check(matches(withtext("making way downtown, walking fast..."))); } private static matcher<view> childatposition( final matcher<view> parentmatcher, final int position) { return new typesafematcher<view>() { @overrid

when will WSO2 API Management starts supporting OpenAPI3.0 (Swagger 3.0)? -

as openapi released new 3.0 version , wso2 provides swagger editor , ui (2.0 version). there time when wso2 starts supporting open api(swagger)3.0 it come in next major release, apim 3.0.0. track progress here . wiki

r - exporting results from pglm regression through stargazer -

i trying export results pglm regression through stargazer command publication. can help? ## count data models (code pglm package) data("patsrd", package="pglm") la1 <- pglm(pat ~ lag(logr, 0:5) + scisect + logk + factor(year), patsrd, family = negbin, model = "within", print.level=3, method="nr", index=c('cusip', 'year')) la2 <- pglm(pat ~ lag(logr, 0:5) + scisect + logk + factor(year), patsrd, family = poisson, model = "pooling", index = c("cusip", "year"), print.level = 0, method="nr") library(stargazer) stargazer(la1,la2, type='txt',out="table1.htm") wiki

Using custom pipe in angular 2, unable to load the data on load of the html throws error cannot read property of undefined -

my template: <tbody *ngfor="let abclist of abclists | filterdata: srchterm; let = index"> {{abclist .name}} </tbody>` data of abclists: abclists = [ { 'id': 1, 'date': '02/04/2017', 'name': 'the hero', 'size': '1.8 gb', 'network': 'hfg', 'services': 'wughf', 'content_owner': 'any', 'contact_email': 'iwygf' }] and custom filter import { pipe, pipetransform } '@angular/core'; @pipe({ name: 'filterdata' }) export class filterpipecomponent implements pipetransform { transform (value: any[], args: any[]){ const search = args[0].value; console.log(search) if (!search) return value; return value.filter(item => ( == search || == search || item.content_type == search || == search || item.size == search

xamarin - Azure AD token endpoint doesn't return an access_token (just an id_token and a refresh_token) -

i'm using xamarin.auth authenticating users against google , azure ad in xamarin forms based mobile app. while works expected google, i'm unable access_token azure ad: authorize works expected providing code , state token returns id_token , refresh_token, no access_token. i can replay scenario in postman, doesn't seem caused xamarin.auth , more blamed inability interpret microsoft's documentation... your appreciated! you should include resource scope when acquiring token in azure ad v2.0. web-hosted resource integrates azure ad has resource identifier, or application id uri. example, microsoft graph . if want acquire access token microsoft graph , , have permission read mails of sign-in user , token request : post /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token http/1.1 host: content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded client_id=6731de76-14a6-49ae-97bc-6eba6914391e &scope=https%3a%2f%2fgraph.

Storing dask collection to files/CSV asynchronously -

i'm implementing various kinds of data processing pipelines using dask.distributed. original data read s3 , in end processed (large) collection written csv on s3 well. i can run processing asynchonously , monitor progress, i've noticed to_xxx() methods store collections file(s) seem synchronous calls. 1 downside of call blocks, potentially long time. second, cannot construct complete graph executed later. is there way run e.g. to_csv() asynchronously , future object instead of blocking? ps: i'm pretty sure can implement async storage myself, e.g. converting collection delayed() , storing each partition. seems common case - unless missed existing feature nice have included in framework. most to_* functions have compute=true keyword argument can replaced compute=false . in these cases return sequence of delayed values can compute asynchronously values = df.to_csv('s3://...', compute=false) futures = client.compute(values) wiki - Getting Error on reportsource in crystal report viewer -

i getting error "system.nullreferenceexception occurred in , "object reference not ser instance of object" code: dim m_application new craxddrt.application dim m_report m_report = m_applocation.openreport("reports\rptsalsheet.rpt") frmreportshow.crviewer1.reportsource = m_report i getting above error on frmreportshow.crviewer1.reportsource = m_report please guide me rid of error. thanks wiki

How to differentiate northern and southern hemisphere while plotting wind speed and direction using matplotlib barb fuction in python -

i have created wind speed , direction plots using matplotlib barb function. it's working fine unable differentiate northern , southern hemisphere while ploting wind speed , direction. please let me know how differentiate both data using plot plt.barbs(data['x'], data['y'], data['u'], data['v'], length=8, pivot='middle') wiki

Error stack is not being displayed in Debug Output pane in Xcode 9 (Beta) -

i have problem xcode 9 (up beta 6), in seems error stack not being displayed in debug output pane. example, sigabrt error description is: libc++abi.dylib: terminating uncaught exception of type nsexception in xcode 8 error stack displayed fine, e.g.: *** terminating app due uncaught exception '...'' *** first throw call stack: ... ... ... also build failers, output minimal , via report navigator more details of error can obtained. i encounter issue in beta's of xcode 9, makes debugging rather annoying. any idea's? wiki - Dynamically Adding Items in DropDownList 1 to N -

i working on e-commerce web site. saving in database how many pieces product. example 5 computers. want is: want call dropdownlist starting 1 5 in count or how many products. how can that. btw dropdownlist in repeater. <asp:repeater id="rptrurunbilgileri" runat="server" datasourceid="sqldtsourceurunbilgileri"> <itemtemplate> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 zoom-gallery sm-margin-bottom-ten"> <a href="<%#eval("urunresmi1") %>"><img src="<%#eval("urunresmi1") %>" alt=""/></a> <div class="products-thumb text-center"> <a href="<%#eval("urunresmi2") %>"><img src="<%#eval("urunresmi2") %>" alt="" /></a> <a href="<%#eva

ios - Index out of bounds error for UIView animation method -

i getting index out of bounds error, can't figure out why. code compiles fine, error appears @ following line (animation): import uikit class menuviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller { private let contentview = uiview() private let logoview = uiimageview() private let buttonview = uiview() private var gamebuttons = [roundedbutton]() private let scoreview = uiview() private let titlelabel = uilabel() private let recentscorelabel = uilabel() private let highscorelabel = uilabel() private let titles = [ "multiple choice", "image quiz", "right or wrong", "emoji riddle" ] private var recentscores = [int]() private var highscores = [int]() private var scoreindex = 0 private var timer = timer() private var midxconstraints: [nslayoutconstraint]! private var leftconstraints: [nslayoutconstraint]! private var rightconstraints: [nslayoutconstraint

How to export a DLL from Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition C++ Project? -

i have visual studio 2017 community edition. started new c++ console project. marked class want exported dll __declspec(dllexport). but when build solution, files following extensions: .exe, .iobj, .ipdb , .pdb. i tried searching through various settings in visual studiom including configuration manager, can't find enable option build code dll. maybe not part of community edition? you have select dll in configuration properties of project. then figured out errors, if any wiki

python - Rectangular Selector does not save previously selected values -

i trying make basic rectangular selection (matplotlib) in python, results being appended instead of being updated. right now, if draw rectangle, selects points in area, that's it. if select rectangle elsewhere, points previous rectangular selection disappears. please let me know how append selections such previous selections not disappear. instead, selections plotted. ps - adding key function add, remove , modify selections excellent, basic requirement add/remove. help. adarsh code given below - from __future__ import print_function matplotlib.widgets import rectangleselector import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt xdata = np.linspace(0,9*np.pi, num=301) ydata = np.sin(xdata)*np.cos(xdata*2.4) fig, ax = plt.subplots() line, = ax.plot(xdata, ydata) point, = ax.plot([],[], marker="o", color="crimson") text = ax.text(0,0,"") def line_select_callback(eclick, erelease): 'eclick , erelease press , release events' x1, y1 = ecl

In CloudFormation How do I reference the VPC Id from a chosen subnet id? -

i creating ec2 instance cf template, , choose subnet on3 of parameters. once have chosen subnet, there way cloudformation find vpc id of subnet? i'm afraid there isn't easy way vpc id automatically subnet id, cloudformation limitation @ moment. have 2 main options getting around this: easiest option: pass in vpc id parameter matches subnet id. harder option: create custom resource, lambda easiest way, gets vpc id subnet id. amazon has sample on creating custom resource values up . looking around found someone has built library executing cli commands lambda custom resource. option if building own lambda function bit much. wiki

c# - Array list is not being sorted properly when it contains string -

i'm trying sort lists of alphanumeric values , in other words list contains numbers , strings example : bob10, bot20, etc... list<object> mylist = _items.orderby(x => x.firstname).tolist(); _items= new list<object>(mylist); but still output : bot20 , bob10 what wrong? first : try alphanumeric algorithm approach , first implement algorithm in new class, : list<object> yourlist = new list < object >(thepreviouslist.orderby(x => x.firstname, new alphanumcomparatorfast()).tolist()) as explained here : implement algorithm alphanumcomparatorfast creating new class , call edited : the alpha algo below : public class alphanumcomparatorfast : icomparer { public int compare(object x, object y) { string s1 = x string; if (s1 == null) { return 0; } string s2 = y string; if (s2 == null) { retu

javascript - Removing css class from element when visible in container -

i have following html containers: <div id="holder"> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div class="element new">content</div> <div clas

Popen([...], stderr=PIPE) ignores input() message from spawned python program -

i have 1 file running other through popen(). # import subprocess p = subprocess.popen(['python3','/home/scotty/'], stderr=subprocess.pipe) p.wait() # input('???') when run "???" doesn't appear prompt still works... why? , how can fix it? if remove stderr=subprocess.pipe "???" show up. according docs output of input "is written standard output" , i'm not touching standard output. it seems in exemple, happens if opening pipe stderr not stdout has effect of redirecting stdout stderr because in tests made, stderr receives input's prompt. below code works me in linux. overcomplicated because use socketpairs, not necessary, @ least robust , works. ################################## # import subprocess import socket import select esock, echildsock = socket.socketpair() osock, ochildsock = socket.socketpair() p = subprocess.popen(['python3',''], stder

reporting services - How to hide a tablix based on a specific value in a multiselect parameter -

i need assistance trying hide tablix. scenario: have 2 tables on 1 report has multiselect parameter. need hide 1 table based on selection. need show specific table based on 1 value have used instr() and join() functions work, when select of values still table pertaining 1 specific value. example of code show specific table; =iif(instr(join(parameters!name.value),"name1")>0,false,true) shows table when 'name1' selected.... want show table when only 'name1' selected. appreciated you should check parameter count on expression below =iif(instr(join(parameters!name.value),"name1")>0 , parameters!name.count=1 ,false,true) wiki

android - Run adb commands from JavaScript with ActiveXObject -

i'm trying develop web tool automate bat files have run adb commands , so. part of work. can list devices, connect, disconnect , on. but, stuck push command. not work. here code send command: function runcommand(cmd){ var shell_cmd = "cmd /c " + adb_path + cmd + " > c:\out.txt"; var wshshell = new activexobject(""); var execution =,1,true); var fso = new activexobject("scripting.filesystemobject"); var fh = fso.opentextfile("c:\out.txt", 1); var text = fh.readall(); fh.close; return text;} with command {path-to-adb}/adb.exe devices -l > c:out.txt . can output, parse , list devices. with command {path-to-adb}/adb.exe push folder system/folder c:out.txt never copies folder. but, if run same command trough cmd line copy. what can wrong? has used adb , had success? wiki

oracle - Which dmp file contains which tables -

i have 3 tables want import (by impdp) database expdp-files-set of last night. the expdp created 33 dump files. is there way check file(s) contains tables? i have oracle 11g on windows environment. thanks i not see reason doing this, because 1 of impdp parameters tables parameter can specify tables want import. impdp ... tables=[schema_name.]table_name[:partition_name] ... source wiki

php - Jquery doesn't get the unique ID after an ajax post request -

i've been struggling find solution problem 3 weeks now, have html table data populated through mysql query, , update database through jquery ajax post method, there no problem during initial load of page, can unique id , validate through bootstrap modal, however, problem after first post method when redirect table, of unique id converted on id first of data extracted base on id, should not way since want target unique id through 'click pay cash advance' button..can me glitch is? here code html table $cashadvances = array(); $x = 0; $department = $_post['department']; $fromstart = $_post['fromstartdepartment']; $toend = $_post['toenddepartment']; <div id="tabledepartment"> <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed" id="<?= 'departmenttable'; ?>" > <tr bgcolor = "#2c3e50"> <th><font color="white&q