
Showing posts from August, 2015

xunit jenkins plugin not seeing skipped mstests -

i set mstest skipped ignore attribute: [ignore] public void skipthistest() { now when @ trx see this: <resultsummary outcome="failed"> <counters total="6" executed="5" passed="2" failed="3" error="0" timeout="0" aborted="0" inconclusive="0" passedbutrunaborted="0" notrunnable="0" notexecuted="0" disconnected="0" warning="0" completed="0" inprogress="0" pending="0" /> <output> <stdout>test 'skipthistest' skipped in test run.</stdout> </output> </resultsummary> here see in junit report after xunit publishes it: <case> <duration>nan</duration> <classname></classname> <testname>skipthistest</testname> <skipped>false</skipped> <failedsince>0</failedsince> </

visual studio - Solve "LINK : fatal error LNK1561: the entry point must be defined" -

i working visual studio ultimate 2012. if run code visual studio works properly. if take ".exe" file generates @ debug file doesn't in computer. why change menu "debug" "release", doesn't compile , shows message: "link : fatal error lnk1561: entry point must defined" what have change @ configuration create ".exe" works in computer? i have main defined in project void main(array<string^>^ arg) seems signature of main function wrong. expected signature entrypoint main function should have int return type in vs2012. please try changing signature of function to: int main(array<string^>^ arg) this may resolve problem. wiki

r - How do I view all duplicates across all rows? -

i running problem in database accidentally have duplicate stuff of same observation column/variable values same, getting duplicates specific observation. how view of these in r can investigate? thanks since didn't give example data, give general layout. duplicates <- duplicated(df) | duplicated(df, fromlast = true) duplicates_set <- subset(df, duplicates == true) wiki

android - How do I add user details on Navigation Drawer from database -

drawerlayout drawer = (drawerlayout) findviewbyid(; actionbardrawertoggle toggle = new actionbardrawertoggle( this, drawer, toolbar, r.string.navigation_drawer_open, r.string.navigation_drawer_close); drawer.setdrawerlistener(toggle); toggle.syncstate(); navigationview navigationview = (navigationview) findviewbyid(; navigationview.setnavigationitemselectedlistener(this); view header=navigationview.getheaderview(0); hashmap<string,string>user=db.getuserdetails(); string user_name=user.get("name"); string user_email=user.get("email"); textview _name=(textview)header.findviewbyid(; textview _email=(textview)header.findviewbyid(; _name.settext(user_name); _email.settext(user_email); wiki

Pagination using kendo grid does not work on page load -

in js. loading data using kendogridoptions. have mapped data source fetches records. have configured pageable = true. noticed when page load pagination option not available become available on when sort 1 of columns. following configuration of grid , data source var enhancedgridoptions = mydatakendogridmanager.kendogridoptions({ datasource: mygriddatasource, sortable: true, scrollable: true, editable:false, resizable: true, reorderable: true, pageable: true, columnresize: function (e) { adjustlastcolumn(e, this); }, columns: [ { field: "dealtype", title: $.i18n.prop('buytype.label'), width: "108px" }, { field: "mystatus", title: $.i18n.prop('mystatus.label'), width:

Ant re-deploy on Tomcat 8.5 failed - cannot retry due to server authentication, in streaming mode -

we have standard (undeploy => deploy) ant script in eclipse on tomcat 8.5, works fine: <target name="undeploy" description="undeploy tomcat"> <undeploy failonerror="no" url="${tomcat-manager-url}" username="${tomcat-manager-username}" password="${tomcat-manager-password}" path="/${project-name}" /> </target> and <target name="deploy" description="deploy tomcat"> <echo>deploying client</echo> <deploy url="${tomcat-manager-url}" username="${tomcat-manager-username}" password="${tomcat-manager-password}" path="/${project-name}" war="file:${build-directory}/${war-file-name}" /> </target> this works fine, deploy successful: undeploy: [undeploy] ok - undeployed application @ context

docker - CoreOS NetBoot vs Install to Disk -

we planning switch coreos rancheros better stability. working on automatic deployment ipxe , wondering if should install coreos disk or start default via netboot. persist state planing use start nfs share under hood, idea of not installing coreos looks interesting open questions side are: whats updates (coreos updater possible when booting netboot) how performance? are there other reasons or against installing coreos disk via boot network? would cool experience , advices. thanks help! the main downside automated operations/updates work when installed disk. if boot ram only, have 1) update pxe image new container linux versions released, , 2) reboot machines pick up. don't think there hard performance differences either way. booting via pxe installing disk common scenario tectonic , coreos' enterprise-ready kubernetes product. wiki

c# - Binding Dictionary<string,List<Class>> to multiple TreeViewItem -

so i've got data want store in treeview , have working 2 branches i'm stuck on getting more that. think dictionary best cause it'll easiest store ids in key when come add in 'sanity checks' how want data presented: --internet checks ----- 'date, message, status' --------- 'details' --server checks ----- 'date, message, status' --------- 'details' --sanity checks ----- 'date, message, status' --------- 'details' --------- 'error1' --------- 'error2' --------- 'error3' --------- 'etc' --etc and here's how looks @ moment --internet checks ----- 'date, message, status' --server checks ----- 'date, message, status' --sanity checks ----- 'date, message, status' --etc so here's how have xaml @ moment: <treeview name="treeview1" itemssource="{binding items}"> <treeview.itemtemplate> - Visual Studio 2015 recreates .Designer.vb files with wrong namespace -

this question has answer here: confusion root namespace in web project 2 answers i had web site project copied (converted) new web application project (all problems started here). root namespace in project properties changed, somehow visualstudio generating designer.vb files using wrong (old) namespace. i tried fix name in designer file, regenerated when rebuild solution. also of controls (ascx) have problem, inherits="wrongnamespace.classname" problably related. how fix this, uses namespace in project properties? i have found similar post: confusion root namespace in web project basically there no solution except when create project, can't change root namespace without causing problem. create new project correct namespace , add files new project. i wish delete temporary files somewhere, no luck far. wiki

objective c++ - Node.js native macOS framework example -

where clear, concise example of how use objective-c++ access , use native macos framework in node.js native module? for example: touch bar functionality i prefer example short , simple possible while still being clear. thank you! one may write node.js addon module in c++, not objective c. if have c / c++ library api allows play touch bar, can write node.js addon module in c++ expose functionality javascript. i repeat node.js native addons can written using c++, not objective-c. wiki

Django's authentication form is always not valid -

i trying implement basic login system using django custom user using abstractuser class. here from django.db import models django.contrib.auth.models import abstractuser class stock(models.model): stock_name = models.charfield(max_length=10) stock_price = models.floatfield() def __str__(self): return self.stock_name class customuser(abstractuser): stocks = models.manytomanyfield(stock) def __str__(self): return self.username my from .models import customuser,stock django.contrib.auth.forms import authenticationform class loginform(authenticationform): class meta: model = customuser fields = ('username', 'password') my def successful_login(request, pk): user = get_object_or_404(customuser, pk=pk) return render(request, '../templates/stock_portfolio.html',{'user':user}) def loginview(request): err=0 if request.method=="post": form = loginfor

TinyMCE: Alignment not working with forced_root_block -

any idea why alignment buttons aren't working here? when click of alignment buttons, deselected automatically. if remove forced_root_block, works <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinymce.init({ selector: ".content", inline: true, forced_root_block: false, toolbar: "alignleft aligncenter alignright" }); </script> <form method="post" action="dump.php"> <div class="content" style="border:1px solid grey;height: 200px;">this content.</textarea> </form> wiki

Android MediaPlayer to play an audio file no sound on Galaxy Nexus -

i use mediaplayer playback local audio file. i need support backward compability android 4.3. on samsung galaxy nexus 4.3 version. there no sound device speaker. if plugged in earphone, can hear audio sound. there no such problem android 6.1 , android 7.1. i call getactivity().setvolumecontrolstream(audiomanager.stream_music); still not work. same device on 4.3, play music palyer, there sound. not device problem. test audiomanager.setstreamvolume(audiomanager.stream_music, audiomanager.getstreammaxvolume(audiomanager.stream_music), 0); still not work. is there missing do? i found app on galaxy nexus 4.3, rare speaker not working. event call ring tone front speaker. wiki

Right way to show images stored in -

when user uploads , image, app saves in firebase storage , gets download-url , saves in database. use url in database show image gets really slow (< 2 seconds) show image. on other hand, firebase database blazing fast. is correct way show images or doing non performant? edit: have seen other posts have slowness issues none of them seem have solution ( example ). live in europe , storage in us. images under 400kb, shouldn't issue. code: // creating reference const imageref =`/jobs/${currentuser.uid}/${jobuid}`).child(name) // creating blob using filereader fs.readfile(uploaduri, 'base64') .then((data) => { console.log('data readfile: ', data) return, { type: `${mime};base64` }) }) .then((blob) => { uploadblob = blob; return imageref.put(blob, { contenttype: mime, name: name }) .then(url => { // url used display image let imgurl = url.downloadurl // upload url database let

fedora - cmake error when compiling zypper -

i've compiled , installed libzypp, when want compile zypper cmake returns error: cmake error @ cmakelists.txt:11 (include): include not find load file: zyppcommon cmake error @ cmakelists.txt:24 (generate_packaging): unknown cmake command "generate_packaging". -- configuring incomplete, errors occurred! see "/home/origincode/zypper/cmakefiles/cmakeoutput.log". environment my os: fedora 26 gcc version:7.1.1 cmake version:3.9.1 wiki

css - jupyter notebook justify text in markdown cells -

topic hey, use jupyter notebooks thesis. therefore nice format text within markdown cells justified text. settings i created {youruser}/.jupyter/custom/custom.css file follwoing settings: ( more examples ) .text_cell_render { /* customize text cells */ font-family: "arial"; font-size: 15pt; line-height: 145%; text-align: justify; word-wrap: break-word; } .codemirror pre { /* customize code cells */ font-size: 14pt; } my problem is, every setting of css applies notebook except text-align: justify; , in parts. example now test notebook shows strange behavior, there no justified text if insert normal text that, if somehow format text within order justification applies. how can make work? cheers! wiki

c# - Why not working in Cefsharp? -

i try execute below script in cefsharp click on div element, , not working. private static string clickunreads = @"(function() { let chatsel = document.queryselectorall('.infinite-list-item'); (let x = 0; x < chatsel.length; x++) { let unread = chatsel[x].getelementsbyclassname('unread'); if (unread.length > 0) { chatsel[x].click(); } } })();"; public void clickunreads() { webbrowser.executescriptasync(clickunreads); } i found similar threads here have problem similar mine, none of it's answer working. i wanna use selenium based solution, did in java, need browser embedded inside app, , can't use hea

css - How can I align text with bootstrap glyph-icon? -

my boxes lined 33 not centered, <div class="largestarbox"> <span class="largestar glyphicon glyphicon-star "></span> <span class="largestar glyphicon glyphicon-star "></span> <span class="largestar glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"></span> <span class="largestar glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"></span> <span class="largestar glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty "></span> <span class="largestarfont glyphicon ">33</span> </div> // css .largestarbox { width: 200px; border: 1px solid black; text-align: center; } .largestar { font-size: 20px; color: #d9ab4d; border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 7px; } .largestarfont { font-size: 20px; color: blue; margin-left: 10px; border: 1px solid black; vertical-align: center; } i used

file - Refused to display ' .. func=processForm' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin' -

i trying upload file google drive. on server side have this: function doget(e) { return htmlservice.createhtmloutputfromfile('index.html') .setxframeoptionsmode(htmlservice.xframeoptionsmode.allowall); } function processform( form ) { } this html client side javascript <!doctype html> <html> <head> <base target="_top"> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <h1>upload test</h1> <form > file1 <input type="file" name="file1" id="file1" > <br> <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="pre_submit_check( this.parentnode )" > <div id='message'> </div> </form> </body> <script> function pre_submit_check( thisform ) { .processform( thisform ); }</script>

parsing - How to parse partial objects inside Json -

i have json structure below, , i'm trying parse key field inside object. it's possible without mapping complete structure? { "records":[ { "eventversion":"2.0", "s3":{ "s3schemaversion":"1.0", "configurationid":"my-event", "bucket":{ "name":"super-files", "owneridentity":{ "principalid":"41123123" }, "arn":"arn:aws:s3:::myqueue" }, "object":{ "key":"/events/mykey", "size":502, "etag":"091820398091823", "sequencer":"1123123" } } } ] } // want return key value type object struct { key string `json:"key"` } object part of s3, created struct be

python - selecting only the available data on Many2one field -

i've created module , save selected assets it. i done on filtering data on many2one field below. here .py code: asset_name_id = fields.many2one('account.asset.asset', string = "asset", required = true) serial_number_id = fields.many2one('account.asset.asset.line', string = "serial number", required = true) my .xml code: <field name="asset_name_id"/> <field name="serial_number_id" domain = "[('serial_no_id', '=', asset_name_id)]"/> if select asset1, available serial no. asset1 can selected. problem is: i want to, if, example, select asset1 select serial no. 123 want select item asset1 again when want select serial no. again, there goes problem, serial no. 123 available again. want achieve is, serial no. 123 no longer available many2one , cannot seen field. please click link view picture (edited) full code of

sql - Keep maximum date every 30 days starting from a beginning date -

i trying keep max date every 30 days based on starting date. simplicity's sake, tested on 1 id, actual data contains many ids. my data looks this: id date 15jan2016 11mar2016 13may2016 25may2016 26may2016 08jun2016 09jun2016 10jun2016 the end table should this: id max_srv_dt_1 max_srv_dt_2 max_srv_dt_3 max_srv_dt_4 15jan2016 11mar2016 13may2016 10jun2016 my code: select, min_srv_dt_1, max_srv_dt_2, max( on (partition order max_srv_dt_3 (select, min_srv_dt_1, max( on (partition order max_srv_dt_2 (select, min( min_srv_dt_1 max_ep_test c1 group c1 left outer join max_ep_test c2 on = , < c1.min_srv_dt_1 + 30 ) c1 left outer join max_ep_test c2 on = ,

Firefox support carousel bootstrap v4.0?? -

i fired carousel bootstrap v4.0 example on firefox browser. images-item doesn't slide! i think bootstrap bug. so, firefox support carousel bootstrap v4.0?? this example: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>proof</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-4.0.0-beta\dist\css\bootstrap.min.css"> <!-- messo prima di style.css altrimenti annulla la formattazione di base --> <!-- per il menu smartphone --> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> </head> <body style="background:#000"

c# - DLL station.config location -

i have dll (and associated station.config file it's settings) wrote in c# , test winform application verify functionality. works perfect. when reference dll , call using labview, labview application errors out staying cannot find station.config file in c:blah\blah\users\the user logged in id\blah\someguid location (sorry can't remember exact location in work , i'm @ home now). i put station.config in folder , works fine. want reside in same folder dll , not folder user logged in. it's compiled in debug mode. whats going on ? your c# code pointing location of station.config file. a simple way fix issue add argument dll allow caller set path. place config file anywhere, use labview determine station.config file located , pass path dll. wiki

java - How do I pass a Boolean value between classes and get the desired Output -

i having 2 class class hello { private boolean check ; public hello() { } void display() { if(check == true) { system.out.println("available"); } else if(check == false) { system.out.println("not availabe"); } } } and public class main { public static void main(string[] args) { scanner sc = new scanner(; boolean check; system.out.println("is available(yes/no):"); string av = sc.nextline(); if(av.equals("yes")) { check = true; } else if(av.equals("no")) { check = false; } hello hello=new hello(); hello.display(); } } i want if input "yes" "available" output simmilarly when input

javascript - Why is putting style inside if statement not working? -

i'm trying basic toggle clicking js... have this <div id="box"></div> <button id="btn"></button> #box { background: black; width: 50px; height: 50px; position: absolute; left: 50px; } js: var btn = document.getelementbyid('btn'); var box = document.getelementbyid('box'); btn.addeventlistener('click', function(){ if ( === '50px') { = '200px'; } if ( === '200px') { = '50px'; } }); i looked , seems method uses toggle clicking pure js have no idea why it's not working me, ideas? @dekel's answer explains wrong code. however, should work classes instead. not way faster retrieving window.getcomputedstyle , it's easier var btn = document.getelementbyid('btn'); btn.addeventlistener('click', function() { var box = document.geteleme

java - Add new fragment tab to existing tabbed activity on button click in Android -

i have tabbed activity named, java class named stage1_fragment , i want add new fragment tab existing viewpager on floating button clicked without refreshing other tabs. public class stage1 extends appcompatactivity implements stage1_fragment.stage1data{ private static final string tag = "stage1"; private sections_pager_adapter msectionspageadapter; private viewpager mviewpager; private arraylist valuestage1frag; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_stage1); toolbar toolbar = (toolbar) findviewbyid(; setsupportactionbar(toolbar); msectionspageadapter = new sections_pager_adapter(getsupportfragmentmanager()); mviewpager = (viewpager) findviewbyid(; setupviewpager(mviewpager); tablayout tablayout = (tablayout) findviewbyid(

If none of the above python -

i have series of checks need run on sensor data, checks independent can't formatted elifs or elses, if checks fail, need print user. if none of checks fail want tell user sensor okay (i iterator going on sensors in array) if worst_stdev[i] > 5: print("sensor bad, stdev value: {}".format(worst_stdev[i])) if worst_invalid[i] > 2: print("sensor bad, invalid value: {}".format(worst_invalid[i])) if worst_err[i] > 1: print("sensor bad, error value: {}".format(worst_bit_err[i])) if not (worst_stdev[i] > 5 or worst_invalid[i] > 2 or worst_err[i] > 1): print("sensor ok") the last if statement bugs me most, feels redundant (and possibly slower?) check again things i've checked. there way make more elegant? i keep flag variable keeps track of errors. example: was_error = false if worst_stdev[i] > 5: print("sensor bad, stdev value: {}".format(worst_stdev[i])) was_error = true

php - url_get_contents working at second attempt -

hoping advice i'm writing here issue: i have php script uses url_get_contents execute script , retrieve json domain. both ends under control. the calling function is: $this->url_to_call = ''; $jsondata = array( 'table' => 'countries', 'key' => '44', ); $jsondataencoded = json_encode($jsondata); $post = file_get_contents( $this->url_to_call, null, stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'protocol_version' => 1.1, 'user_agent' => 'mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10_8_4) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/27.0.1453.116 safari/537.36', 'method' => 'post', 'header' => "content-type: application/json\r\n"."connection: close\r\n" ."content-length: " .

python - Sorting TfidfVectorizer output by tf-idf (lowest to highest and vice versa) -

i'm using tfidfvectorizer() sklearn on part of text data sense of term-frequency each feature (word). current code following from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import tfidfvectorizer tfidf = tfidfvectorizer(analyzer='word', stop_words = 'english') # fit_transform on training data x_traintfidf = tfidf.fit_transform(x_train) if want sort tf-idf values of each term in 'x_traintfidf' lowest highest (and vice versa), say, top10, , make these sorted tf-idf value rankings 2 series objects, how should proceed last line of code? thank you. i reading similar thread couldn't figure out how it. maybe able connect tips shown in thread question here. wiki

Access Enum from Class in Constructor Method C++ -

i working on audio project in c++ use enums organize code. code contains several classes conditional behavior based on value of mode variable, , useful have enums define these different modes (an example being have first order filter class, functions differently depending on whether mode set lowpass or highpass). i set mode part of class's constructor cannot access enum inside class until have instantiated instance of class. right have enums defined outside each class in same .h file, i'd rather have them inside class organizational purposes. there way this, or perhaps practice achieve similar? wiki

python - Apache Beam for audio signal/stream processing -

i working on speech-like recognition, processing audio signals i.e. applying bunch of transforms , digital signal processing (dsp) techniques raw audio signals in order valuable representations fed machine learning algorithms. my code base entirely written in matlab , works on finite (bounded) signals. planning migrate solution can handle both finite , infinite (streams) audio signals, preferably in python (mainly third party library availability in both machine learning , audio signal processing). after research, found apache beam suited in case, but, seems functionalities not available in python sdk, windowing concept super important in case, both bounded , unbounded signals (typically, code process frames/windows of 32 milliseconds). so, seeking advice on: the pertinence of apache beam (python sdk) audio signal processing; how go limitation i've mentioned; is there other alternatives in case; first, speaking, avoid doing heavy dsp using python: inevitabl

token - Where do the ethers come from when sending ethers with .send() function in ethereum contract -

i'm learning ethereum token contract following here . i'm confused code below: function sell(uint amount) returns (uint revenue){ if (balanceof[msg.sender] < amount ) throw; // checks if sender has enough sell balanceof[this] += amount; // adds amount owner's balance balanceof[msg.sender] -= amount; // subtracts amount seller's balance revenue = amount * sellprice; if (!msg.sender.send(revenue)) { // sends ether seller: it's important throw; // last prevent recursion attacks } else { transfer(msg.sender, this, amount); // executes event reflecting on change return revenue; // ends function , returns } } the line msg.sender.send(revenue) means send ethers seller. question is: does ethers sent come msg.sender or token contract? think comes msg.sender. msg.sender in behalf of seller, right? m

sql - Is it possible to make the group by clause to make groups with small variations? -

i attempting write query finds when name changes customer id not. used group custid, name then counted customer ids, result greater 1 important. here query have far: select custid, numdiffnames (select custid, count(custid) numdiffnames (select custid, name (select custid, concat(rtrim(ltrim(firstname)),rtrim(ltrim(lastname))) name [branch] union select cocustid custid, concat(rtrim(ltrim(cofname)),rtrim(ltrim(colname))) name [branch]) group custid, name) b group custid) c numdiffnames>1 however, getting many false positives. removed large number of them trimming whitespace around each name. set of false positives formed data entry , misspellings. example in 1 case customers name spelled vanessa, , same customer id, name spelled veness

javascript - Document Object Model (DOM) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability .js -

i not javascript coder , have issue. apparently code below uses location.href , document.write() without escaping location.href source. causing document object model (dom) cross-site scripting (xss) vulnerability. suggestions on how fix? if(!_stns.bloaded){ var s=""; for(var in _stns.oimgs){ if(_stns.oimgs[i]!=2){ s+=_stns.fsgettag("div","style=\"display:none\"",_stns.fsgetimgtag(i,-1,-1)); } _stns.oimgs[i]=2; } document.write(s); } },bisie:false,bismie:false,bisfx:false,bisop:false,bissf:false,biskq:false,onav:null,brtl:false,sdocmd:null,surl:window.location.href+"",sdir:null,blocal:false,fsgetdocmd:function(w){ var w=w||window; switch(w.document.compatmode){ case "quirksmode": case "backcompat": return "quirks"; case "css1compat": return "css1"; default: return document.compatmode; } wiki

c++ - Interpreting gcc warning/error messages split across multiple lines -

the gcc/g++ compiler (gcc 4.9.2) outputs error messages across multiple lines , sometimes multiple consecutive lines should read one, in order details , fullest explanation error. my question is, how tell when multiple error lines should read one, , when given error line read itself? in other words, when error message continued next error message , when single 1 line independent error message? here example of program wrote deliberately fails compile in way understand , know multi-line error messages part of 1 message , telling me 1 thing: the code: 1 #include <iostream> 2 3 4 using std::cout; 5 using std::endl; 6 7 class myclass 8 { 9 public: 10 // not ok because gets initialised before b 11 // see warning in gcc output 12 myclass(int x) : b(x), a(b-1), c(0) 13 { cout << "a=" << 14 << "\nb=" << b 15 <&l

Stop auto refreshing projects and frameworks when starting app Codekit App -

how can delete project in codekit before starting app or how can stop auto refreshing projects , frameworks when starting app. i deleted project , codekit indexing ~/.trash , empty, not in codekit's project list, crashes codekit. i've: removed .config.codekit3 trash, keeps coming back. removed ~/library/preferences/com.incident57.codekit3.plist , didn't reset project list. removed ~/library/codekit/codekit7.datastore (100+mb), didn't reset project list. any other suggestions? wiki

selenium chromedriver - How to Set Up Chrome Headless on PythonAnywhere? -

i'd set chrome in headless mode , chromedriver selenium testing on pythonanywhere instance. can't find instructions on how sort out. have advice/pointers docs please? pythonanywhere dev here -- unfortunately chrome (headless or otherwise) doesn't work in our virtualization environment right now, won't work :-( wiki

javascript - Displaying multiple objects one at a time in a dialog box -

i stuck. trying display objects individually in pop-up dialog box, , can't find information how this. can display them @ once, not trying do. $.each(needs, function(i, v) {; var brand = v.brand;; var model = v.model; var growerid = v.growerid; if (v.portalid === null) { var unmatched = { brand: v.brand, model: v.model, growerid: v.growerid } newmatch.push(unmatched);; } else { return false; } }); <script src=""></script> <div class="wrap"> <form> <div class="fleft"> <div> <img src="/app/public/css/images/logo.png"> </div> <div class="form-group brand ui-corner-all"> <label for="owner">brand</label>

c# - Breakdown / Documentation of a SQL Query -

i have large, complex, , undocumented database. have task provide document show tables , columns have been used stored procedures, functions, etc. according research majority of queries have similar format this: select u.firstname , u.lastname, a.accountnumber username u left join account on a.userid = u.userid ~90% of tables , columns have aliases. further, have table 2 columns - function/sproc name, , sql code. i looking method (preferably sql, can c#) output following results above sql code: username - firstname username - lastname username - userid account - userid account - accountnumber what best approach achieve this? have tried join each sql code cell information_schema.columns inaccurate results, when column name appears in columns table, not used specific table in sql code cell. thanks probably want @ dependencies on stored procedure/function looking at? take @

button - sending data from 1 data grid view to another data grid view in another form c# -

the following method used me send rows data grid view in form(datagridview1 of form1) data grid view of form(datagridview1 of form2) when button clicked. private void button2_click(object sender, eventargs e) { form2 f2 = new form2(); datatable dt1 = new datatable(); f2.datagridview1.datasource = dt1; foreach (datagridview row in datagridview1.rows) { int n = f2.datagridview1.rows.add(); foreach (datagridviewcolumn col in datagridview1.columns) { f2.datagridview1.rows[n].cells[col.index].value = datagridview1.rows[row.index].cells[col.index].value.tostring(); } } } but no data sent datagridview1 of form2! how can correct this? depending on circumstances, i'd work data source, i.e. way dim dt new datatable dt = ds.tables(0) me.datagridview1.datasource = dt form2.datagridview2.datasource = dt

kubernetes - kubelet does not have ClusterDNS IP configured and cannot create Pod using "ClusterFirst" policy. Falling back to DNSDefault policy -

just started kubernetes. have 3 physical machines: 1 master, 2 nodes. did getting started configuration. seems , running, nodes can communicate master, when try install sample application (following kubernetes guide: ) warning on , on again: 'kubelet not have clusterdns ip configured , cannot create pod using "clusterfirst" policy. falling dnsdefault policy.' and can't access app in: master_ip:30001 idea in going on , how fix it? here configuration: kubectl nodes name status age version master-precision-t1600 ready 19h v1.7.4 node2-precision-t1600 ready 19h v1.7.4 kubectl pods --all-namespaces namespace name ready status restarts age kube-system etcd-master-precision-t1600 1/1 running 1 19h kube-system kube-apiserver-master-precisi