bash - psqlrc color modification resulting in funny line behavior -

trying edit ~/.psqlrc prompt1:

'\set prompt1 '%m [%n@%/] %# '

to have color:

\set prompt1 '%[%033[1;32m%]%m [%n@%/] %# '

any time include color formatting, lines screwy. example, when recall last query in psql , go delete part of statement, part of lines disappears, blinking cursor ends on line above text, still deletes text doesnt match up.

the customized prompt without color behaves expected. else encounter this?

i experienced in bash customization process couldnt escaping work pscqlrc.

my environment:
os: macos 10.12.6
psql server version: 8.0.2
psql client version: 9.6.3



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