d3.js - Rotating around axis in d3js -

i'm trying create rotation controller rotate rectangle around center point in d3js. i've managed scrape using several resources, when try rotate around center point rectangle 'fly' away.

here's jsfiddle showing rotation:

self.attr('transform',          'translate(' + curx + ', ' + cury + ') rotate(' + newrotation + ')'       ); 

https://jsfiddle.net/skoq1eww/1/, , here's 1 showing fly away when trying rotate around rectangle's center point:

self.attr('transform',      'translate(' + curx + ', ' + cury + ') rotate(' + newrotation + ', 50, 25)'   ); 


i've found related stackoverflow posts relating rotating around axis , advise adding in origin coords rotation i've done above, reason can't seem work. i've been racking brain on few hours , i'm stuck. please point me in right direction?

thanks in advance.



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