python - Getting lists of indices from pandas dataframe -

i'm trying list of indices out of pandas dataframe.

first import.

import pandas pd 

construct pandas dataframe.

# create dataframe data = {'name': ['jason', 'jason', 'tina', 'tina', 'tina', 'jason', 'tina'],         'reports': [4, 24, 31, 2, 3, 5, 10],         'coverage': [true, false, false, false, true, true, false]} df = pd.dataframe(data) print(df) 


  coverage   name  reports 0     true  jason        4 1    false  jason       24 2    false   tina       31 3    false   tina        2 4     true   tina        3 5     true  jason        5 6    false   tina       10 

i have indices on left of dataframe when coverage set true, have every name separately. preferably without explicit for-loop.

desired output this.

list_jason = [0, 5] list_tina = [4] 

attempted solution: thought should use 'groupby' , access coverage column. there don't know how proceed. appreciated.


you want index out each group.

this stored in 'groups' attribute of groupbydataframe.

#filter coverage==true #group 'name' #access 'groups' attribute by_person = df[df.coverage].groupby('name').groups 

will return:

{'jason': int64index([0, 5], dtype='int64'),  'tina': int64index([4], dtype='int64')} 

from can access individuals regular dictionary:



int64index([0, 5], dtype='int64') 

which can treat regular list.



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