Unable to use vagrant ssh on a custom box -

i have created custom vagrant box, based on the official ubuntu/xenial64 vagrant box, message when attempt use vagrant ssh:

==> default: machine you're attempting ssh configured use ==> default: password-based authentication. vagrant can't script entering ==> default: password you. if you're prompted password, please enter ==> default: same password have configured in vagrantfile. 

the change box provision nginx. use...

vagrant package --vagrantfile <path_to_vagrantfile> --output nginx.box 

... <path_to_vagrantfile> is, in case, /home/blackslate/.vagrant.d/boxes/ubuntu-vagrantslash-xenial64/20170822.0.0/virtualbox/vagrantfile. follow with:

vagrant box add nginx nginx.box 

i create new directory , use vagrant init nginx create new instance of box. whole process described in this question.

when use vagrant up, appears running expected:

vagrant bringing machine 'default' 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: importing base box 'nginx'... ==> default: matching mac address nat networking... ==> default: setting name of vm: custom_default_1503826905856_10643 ==> default: clearing set network interfaces... ==> default: preparing network interfaces based on configuration...     default: adapter 1: nat     default: adapter 2: hostonly ==> default: forwarding ports...     default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1) ==> default: running 'pre-boot' vm customizations... ==> default: booting vm... ==> default: waiting machine boot. may take few minutes...     default: ssh address:     default: ssh username: ubuntu     default: ssh auth method: password ==> default: machine booted , ready! ==> default: checking guest additions in vm... ==> default: configuring , enabling network interfaces... ==> default: mounting shared folders...     default: /vagrant => /home/blackslate/repos/vagrant/custom 

however, vagrant ssh provokes message @ beginning of question. when try ssh in manually, using "ubuntu" ssh user , "vagrant" password, this:

ssh ubuntu@ authenticity of host ' (' can't established. ecdsa key fingerprint sha256:psnauymzfki1hirikfez5wanppfjw9h3ec+tzxiiiwa. sure want continue connecting (yes/no)? y please type 'yes' or 'no': yes warning: permanently added '' (ecdsa) list of known hosts. ubuntu@'s password:  permission denied, please try again. ubuntu@'s password:  

i similar result if try ssh vagrant@

ssh vagrant@ vagrant@'s password:  permission denied, please try again. vagrant@'s password:  

the same true if open virtualbox gui , talk vm directly.

i have tried following instructions here, i'm guessing refers older version of vagrant.

i hoping able make changes @ package stage, when distribute custom vagrant box other developers, vagrant ssh works, no need massage files beforehand.



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