ionic2 - errorCode : MINIMUM_SERVER when access obtainAccessToken in IBM MFP8 -

i'm getting failure when trying call


using ionic 2 , mfp 8

this message

============== {"status":-1,"responsetext":"","errormsg":"this version of mobilefirst client sdk requires minimal server version greater ifix","errorcode":"minimum_server"}

our installation team installed latest ifix pack also.

i'm attaching code snippet also.


wl.client.pintrustedcertificatepublickey('mycert.cer').then(() => { console.log('--------ssl pin success-------------'); wlauthorizationmanager.obtainaccesstoken().then((accesstoken) => { console.log('--------accesstoken success-------------', accesstoken); }, (response) => { console.log('--------accesstoken failure-------------', response); let usrname ="roney"; let passwrd = "roney@123"; let modalc = this.modal.create("userloginchallengehandler",{"username":usrname,"password":passwrd}); modalc.present(); modalc.ondiddismiss((data)=>{ //further proceed goes here this.statusbar.styledefault(); this.splashscreen.hide(); this.fcminformation(); });  });  }).fail((error) => { console.log('--------ssl pin failed-------------', error); }); 

this means, server still running ifix level older client. possible server still not updated - may update wasn't proper or complete. server side log ( tracing) tell versions of server side components running. option verify network capture - give more details on server side message , version.



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