javascript - How to run jquery when DOM is loaded in chrome (works in Firefox ) -

i need change style divs calling class.

the code has no issue firefox problem occurs on chrome , jquery loads default css(actual css used fields ) works respective divs after 2-3 seconds not expect. need load custom css when divs displayed .

thanks efforts

 <script> /// start script , works fine has         $( document ).ready(function() {               $('#table_most_recent_c').attr('readonly', 'true');               $("#attempted_c").val()="key";              $(".sub-panel").css({"margin-right":"0%"});              $('.col-sm-6').css({"height":"0px","width":"25%"});              $('.detail-view-row-item').css({"height":"0px","margin":"0 0 17px 0","min-height":"0px"});              $('.col-xs-12').css({"height":"0px"});              $('.col-sm-8').css({"height":"0px","width":"50%"});              $('.col-sm-4').css({"height":"0px","width":"50%"});        }); </script> 



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