php - How to group by in mysql without showing duplicates? -

i building search page babysitter listing , users can filter results based on wage, distance , rating. works fine, getting 3 or 4 results when there 2 people or 1 people , cannot figure out.

here query:

select `users`.`id`                        `user_id`,         `user_wage_preferences`.`one_child` `wage`,         `user_contact_informations`.`lat`,         `user_contact_informations`.`lng`,         `user_reviews`.`rating`,         sum(user_reviews.recommended)       recommended,         ( 6371 * acos(cos(radians(59.448355500000005)) * cos(radians(lat)) * cos(                                     radians(lng) - radians(24.7406023)) +                                sin(radians(59.448355500000005)) * sin(                                radians(lat))) )                                             distance    `users`         left join `user_reviews`                on `users`.`id` = `user_reviews`.`nanny_id`         inner join `user_wage_preferences`                 on `users`.`id` = `user_wage_preferences`.`user_id`         inner join `user_contact_informations`                 on `users`.`id` = `user_contact_informations`.`user_id`   `users`.`role` = ?         , `users`.`account_status` = ?         , `users`.`id` in ( ?, ? )  group  `user_id`,            `user_contact_informations`.`lat`,            `user_contact_informations`.`lng`,            `user_reviews`.`rating`,            `user_wage_preferences`.`one_child`  having `recommended` > ?  order  `recommended` desc  

on json response see this:

[       {           "user_id":1,         "wage":"6",         "lat":59.44,         "lng":24.74,         "rating":5,         "recommended":"1",         "distance":0.92971285651468     },     {           "user_id":4,         "wage":"4",         "lat":59.46,         "lng":24.83,         "rating":5,         "recommended":"1",         "distance":5.2153552636895     },     {           "user_id":1,         "wage":"6",         "lat":59.44,         "lng":24.74,         "rating":4,         "recommended":"0",         "distance":0.92971285651468     },     {           "user_id":4,         "wage":"4",         "lat":59.46,         "lng":24.83,         "rating":1,         "recommended":"1",         "distance":5.2153552636895     } ] 

as can see user_id 1 , user_id 4 twice. , cannot figure out how remove duplicates or group user id.

what doing wrong here? how can show users once? using laravel framework.

you have different rating in result.

i can see rating 4, 5 user1. if remove rating 1 record.

also can use group contact multiple ratings comma separated string - group_concat(rating order rating asc)



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