sapui5 batch with sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel -

i created table data using jsonmodel

    var omodel = new sap.ui.model.json.jsonmodel(query);     otableprio = sap.ui.getcore().getcontrol("idtableprio2");     otableprio.setmodel(omodel, "prio2");  

everythink , work good.

now have added new column(prio) change value. after changing save every rows( in sap ztable ) after clicking buton save . made this

var omodel = new sap.ui.model.odata.v2.odatamodel(gserviceurl);         omodel.setusebatch(true);         (var = 0; < data.length; i++) {             sentry.matnr = data[i].matnr;             sentry.bbynr = data[i].bbynr;             sentry.prio = data[i].prio;  omodel.update("/wielosztset('"+data[i].bbynr+"')", sentry, {                   method: "put",  function(){                 alert('data updated successfully');                  location.reload(true);                   },function(){               'update failed',{duration:1000});                    }}); } 

now sends data last row. wrote cannot update more 1 row in way , need make batch. connot find how create working batch uploding data sap.ui.model.odata.v2.odatamodel

please give me advice.

before call of omodel.update assign usebatch true:


make for:

for (var = 0; < data.length; i++) {             sentry.matnr = data[i].matnr;             sentry.bbynr = data[i].bbynr;             sentry.prio = data[i].prio;  omodel.update("/wielosztset('"+data[i].bbynr+"')", sentry, {                   method: "put",  function(){                 alert('data updated successfully');                  location.reload(true);                   },function(){               'update failed',{duration:1000});                    }}); } 

at end of put submitchanges.

omodel.submitchanges(); omodel.setusebatch(false); // make false if reuse omodel. 




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