c++ template template : cannot access private member -

i'm trying work template template parameters in c++, famous stack example :

however acompilation error in code below. understanding 'stack<t2, cont2>' , 'stack<t, cont>' same class 'container' accecible in 'stack<t, cont>::operator = ( const stack<t2, cont2>& rhs )'

could me? there specific should pay attention when working template template parameters?

template <typename t,     template < typename elem, typename alloc = std::allocator< elem > > class cont = std::deque > class stack {     cont<t> container ;  public :     stack() {} ;     template <typename t2>     void push_back ( const t2& elem ) ;     bool isempty (void ) const ;      template <typename t2,          template < typename elem2, typename  = std::allocator< elem2 > > class cont2 >         stack<t, cont>& operator = (const stack<t2,cont2>& rhs ) ;      void push_back (t const& elem ) {         container.push_back (elem) ;     };     t operator [] (size_t ) const  ;     t& operator [] ( size_t ) ; };  template <typename t, template <typename elem, typename alloc > class cont > t stack<t, cont>::operator [] (size_t ) const {     return container [i] ; }  template <typename t, template <typename elem, typename alloc > class cont > t& stack<t, cont>::operator[] ( size_t ) {     return container [i] ; }  template <typename t, template <typename elem, typename alloc > class cont > template <typename t2, template < typename , typename > class cont2 >     stack<t, cont>& stack<t, cont>::operator = ( const stack<t2, cont2>& rhs ) {     if ( this->container != rhs.container ) // error !!!     {         if ( this->container.size() == 0 )         {             ( size_t = 0 ; < rhs.container.size() ; ++i )             {                 (*this).container.push_back( (t) rhs[i] ) ;             }         }         else         {             ( size_t = 0 ; < this->container.size() ; ++i )             {                 (*this)[i] = rhs[i] ;             }         }     }      return *this ; }  int main() {     stack<int> stk ;     stack<double> stkd ;      stk.push_back(10) ;     stk.push_back(5) ;      stkd = stk ;      int st = stk[1] ;      return 0;  } 

the compilation error :

>e:\project2\project2\source.cpp(46): error c2248: 'stack<t>::container' : cannot access private member declared in class 'stack<t>' 1>          1>          [ 1>              t=int 1>          ] 1>          e:\project2\project2\source.cpp(12) : see declaration of 'stack<t>::container' 1>          1>          [ 1>              t=int 1>          ] 1>          e:\project2\project2\source.cpp(75) : see reference function template instantiation 'stack<t> &stack<t>::operator =<int,std::deque>(const stack<int> &)' being compiled 1>          1>          [ 1>              t=double 1>          ] 1>          e:\project2\project2\source.cpp(75) : see reference function template instantiation 'stack<t> &stack<t>::operator =<int,std::deque>(const stack<int> &)' being compiled 1>          1>          [ 1>              t=double 1>          ] 

a template blueprint compiler uses construct actual classes. whenever use template class specific parameter compiler creates class based on provided blueprint.

let's check out (extremely simplified) example:

template < typename t > class test {     t member: }; 

when create test<int> , test<double> compiler generate 2 classes these:

class test/* information comes here, compiler can differentiate different test classes */ {     int member; };  class test/* again additional information */ {     double member; }; 

although quite similar, not same. same thing applies stack. stkd , stk have different types , can therefore not assigned 1 another.

to fix can make every compiler generated instance of template friend of each other so:

template <typename t,     template < typename elem, typename alloc = std::allocator< elem > > class cont = std::deque >  class stack {     /* ... */  public :      /* ... */      template<class other,          template < typename elem, typename allod = std::allocator< elem > > class cont >           friend class stack;      /* ... */ }; 

note won't allow compare different containers need find way prevent self assignments (if here has idea feel free add it). here modified assignment operator:

template <typename t, template <typename elem, typename alloc > class cont > template <typename t2, template < typename , typename > class cont2 >     stack<t, cont>& stack<t, cont>::operator = ( const stack<t2, cont2>& rhs ) {      /* self assignment check needed */     {         if ( this->container.size() == 0 )         {             ( size_t = 0 ; < rhs.container.size() ; ++i )             {                 (*this).container.push_back( (t) rhs[i] ) ;             }         }         else         {             ( size_t = 0 ; < this->container.size() ; ++i )             {                 (*this)[i] = rhs[i] ;             }         }     }      return *this ; } 



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