Do I need to pay to change github pages domain? -

i know make repository private, need change plan paid, if want change default custom domain?

no, doesn't have upgrade github account use domain name. docs @ (the description doesn't mention being paid customer):

pick custom domain , register dns provider (if haven't done so). dns provider company allows users buy , register unique domain name , connect name ip (internet protocol) address pointing domain name ip address or different domain name. dns provider may called domain registrar or dns host.

set custom domain dns provider. our guides outline how set pages custom domain dns provider depending on type of custom domain have.

however, these domain types supported github (

www subdomain   ( 1 apex domain & 1 www subdomain ( & apex domain ( custom subdomain    ( 

if want github pages site redirect domain (or else's) doesn't there's stopping putting simple javascript redirect in github page redirect page.



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