javascript - How can I console.log to parent window? -

i've got function refreshes table, works ok, of js functions don't run. debug i'm trying pass data between popup , it's parent window. have function:

$.fn.runfncs = function(isparent) {     if (isparent == 1) {         window.opener.$.fn.comparedates();         window.opener.$.fn.addstatusicon();         window.opener.$.fn.icontooltips(1);         window.opener.$.fn.icontooltips(2);         window.opener.console.log('test');     } else {         $.fn.comparedates();         $.fn.addstatusicon();         $.fn.icontooltips(1);         $.fn.icontooltips(2);     } }; 

and gets run on ajax success.

when hit button ajax, success message etc. no console.log in parent window. i've been able access parent window before using window.opener , seems run ok, not time reason.

i tried research either query specific or simple "what console.log" questions little stuck here.

is there alternative way can console.log parent window? maybe document function i'm unaware of?

thanks! :)

function log(message){     console.log(message); } 

put function in parent window , call so. need provide wrapper function can access




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