reactjs - Use scoped packages with Jest -

i developing app react-native , typescript , doing tests jest, have problem when use scoped packages (@assets), jest can not find path , gives error.

the directory structure looks this:

project/   assets/     img/       foo.png     package.json   src/     foo.ts   build/     foo.js   // assets/package.json {   "name": "@assets" // @assets scope }  // build/foo.js const image = require('@assets/img/foo.png'); // <- error in jest 

so when run jest:

npm run jest build/

it can not find '@assets/img/foo.png' , throws error:

cannot find module '@assets/img/logo.png' 'foo.js'

how can use scope package in jest?

jest version: 20.0.4


necessary define modulenamemapper in jest config:

// package.json "jest": {   "modulenamemapper": {       "^@assets.+\\.(png)$": "<rootdir>/assetstransformer.js"   }, }  // assetstransformers.js const path = require('path');  module.exports = {   process(src, filename, config, options) {     return 'module.exports = ' + json.stringify(path.basename(filename)) + ';';   }, }; 

thanks this comment :-)



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