Applying Function to Structure in Matlab -

currently, here code:

% specify folder files live. myfolder = 'c:\users\irwin\desktop\matlab\scintillator_project\advanced'; % check make sure folder exists.  warn user if doesn't. if ~isdir(myfolder)   errormessage = sprintf('error: following folder not exist:\n%s',    myfolder);   uiwait(warndlg(errormessage));   return; end  % list of files in folder desired file name pattern. filepattern = fullfile(myfolder, '*.spe');  thefiles = dir(filepattern); k = 1 : length(thefiles)   basefilename = thefiles(k).name;   fullfilename = fullfile(myfolder, basefilename);   fprintf(1, 'now reading %s\n', fullfilename); end 

i have structure in each entry contains .spe file. apply function readspe ( each entry in structure convert them .spe format 3d array.

please help!

thanks :)



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