Image copied and pasted from high resolution screen small and surrounded by empty space -

in several of windows programs, copy , paste metafiles or bitmap images word, powerpoint, or rich textbox print controls. images typically scale fit page, or if pasted content box in powerpoint, figure sizes more or less fit content box while preserving aspect ratio. purchased windows 10 laptop 3840x1060 display. now, when copy image , paste it, image small, , pasted image surrounded empty space. means have manually crop images , resize them. i've tried doing in code, haven't had luck. example, resizing bitmap image fit size of printed page means image , bordering empty space fit page.

i use clipboardmetafilehelper link:

to put metafiles onto clipboard. i'm using visual studio 2008 (yes, know it's quite out of date, don't think that's problem!)

i can solve problem degrading display resolution, seems wasteful. have advice me?



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