pyqt - Multiple Page on Python and QML -

i’m beginner on programming in python , qml , i'm doing project project need have many ui forms i’m using qml create these ui

lets have form a,b,c , when application load need open form , form contain button click , open form b , form close, form b have button click open form c , form b close… plis me on these project

import sys pyqt5.qtcore import qobject, qurl, qt pyqt5.qtwidgets import qapplication pyqt5.qtqml import qqmlapplicationengine  if __name__ == "__main__":     app = qapplication(sys.argv)     engine = qqmlapplicationengine()     ctx = engine.rootcontext()     ctx.setcontextproperty("main", engine)       ctx2 = engine.rootcontext()     ctx2.setcontextproperty("main", engine)       engine.load('form1.qml')     win = engine.rootobjects()[0]     def pagec():         engine.load('form3.qml')         win2 = engine.rootobjects()[0]         button1 = win2.findchild(qobject, "form3")         button1.clicked.connect(pagec)      def newpage():         engine.load('form2.qml')         win = engine.rootobjects()[0]         button1=win.findchild(qobject, "form2")     button1.clicked.connect(newpage) sys.exit(app.exec_()) 


import qtquick 2.5 import qtquick.window 2.2 import qtquick.controls 1.5  window {     visible: true     width: 200     height: 200     title: qstr("hello world")     maximumheight: 200     minimumheight: 200     maximumwidth: 200     minimumwidth: 200       button {         id: button1         objectname: "form2"         x: 22         y: 71         width: 157         height: 59         text: qstr("page a")         onclicked: callpageb()     } } 


import qtquick 2.5 import qtquick.window 2.2 import qtquick.controls 1.5  window {     visible: true     width: 200     height: 200     title: qstr("hello world")     maximumheight: 200     minimumheight: 200     maximumwidth: 200     minimumwidth: 200       button {         id: button1         objectname: "form3"         x: 22         y: 71         width: 157         height: 59         text: qstr("page b")         onclicked: callpagec()     } } 


import qtquick 2.5 import qtquick.window 2.2 import qtquick.controls 1.5  window {     visible: true     width: 200     height: 200     title: qstr("hello world")     maximumheight: 200     minimumheight: 200     maximumwidth: 200     minimumwidth: 200       button {         id: button1         x: 22         y: 71         width: 157         height: 59         text: qstr("page c")     } } 

when adding qmls qqmlapplicationengine can through rootobjects(), created following class, there restrictions, each button inside window should have objectname name of file , must children of window:


window {     ...     button {         objectname: "example"     }     ... } 

in next part class name of qmls.

class engine(qqmlapplicationengine):     counter = 0     def __init__(self, qmls, parent=none):         qqmlapplicationengine.__init__(self, parent)          [self.load("{}.qml".format(qml)) qml in qmls]          i, root in enumerate(self.rootobjects()):             if root != self.rootobjects()[0]:                 root.close()             if root != self.rootobjects()[-1]:                 button= root.findchild(qobject, qmls[i])                 button.clicked.connect(self.closeandopen)      def closeandopen(self):         self.rootobjects()[self.counter].close()         self.counter += 1         self.rootobjects()[self.counter].show()  if __name__ == "__main__":     app = qapplication(sys.argv)     engine = engine(['form1', 'form2', 'form3'])     sys.exit(app.exec_()) 



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