How do I deploy to Azure App Service with PowerShell? -

i have looked around , thousands of commands in azure , azurerm commandlets in powershell, i'm still not sure how this.

what have working far:

  • installed azure , azurerm modules , imported them script
  • generated "*.publishsettings" file get-azurepublishsettingsfile command
  • imported "*.publishsettings" file
  • can acccess website "stop-azurewebsite" , "start-azurewebsite" commandlets

what need do:

  • create new deployment , push files app-service site.

notes: not have visual studio project , .csproj file configs. want take contents of folder , push website.

any useful documentation bad on details , there thousands of commands in powershell go through.

you check blog:deploy app service using azure powershell deployment slot.

get-azurepublishsettingsfile import-azurepublishsettingsfile .\your-publish-settings-credentials.publishsettings get-azuresubscription select-azuresubscription -subscriptionname "the subscription name containing slot" set-azuresubscription -subscriptionid "id of subscription"  $webappname = "standard(staging)" get-azurewebsite -name $webappname publish-azurewebsiteproject -name $webappname -package "c:\powershell\" -slot "staging" 



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