mysql - ERROR 1582 (42000): Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'STR_TO_DATE' -

i looking regarding error receiving in mysql. new mysql. have following table:

+--------------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ | field        | type         | null | key | default           |                       | +--------------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ | date         | date         | no   |     | null              |                             | | time         | timestamp    | no   |     | current_timestamp | on update current_timestamp | | messure      | decimal(9,2) | no   | pri | null              |                             | | inject_units | decimal(9,2) | yes  |     | null              |                             | +--------------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+---------------- 

i using below query insert data table

insert sugar_levels (date, time, messure, inject_units) values ('2017-08-22',str_to_date('2017-08-22 05:50:00', 'y%-m%-d% h%:m%:s', '11.7', '12')); 

but getting following error:

error 1582 (42000): incorrect parameter count in call native function 'str_to_date' 

please might simple syntax error.

3 errors:

first % sign must before letters second missing %sign before second placeholder third bracket @ wrong place:

insert sugar_levels (date, time, messure, inject_units)   values ('2017-08-22',str_to_date('2017-08-22 05:50:00', '%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s'), '11.7', '12'); 



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