java - Setting variables and expected values in Citrus Framework -

i have following scenario want test:

  1. perform call service a, number of elements in jsonarray
  2. call service b perform given action
  3. perform call service again, verify jsonarray has new element on it

ps: there no correlation between service b call in step 2 , verification in step 3. can verify element count increased in 1.

  • i can perform step 1 using citrus http() , .extractfrompayload() , add variable
  • i can perform step 2 http() call

however stuck @ step 3, since can't modify value of variable taken in step 1. have tried using action(new abstracttestaction() {...}) don't happen in between test not working.

is there way of accomplishing this?

i've adapted solution citrus framework - can variable assigned response?. able accomplish via:

adding step test (before making step 3 above):

groovy(new classpathresource("addvariable.groovy"));

this content of addvariable.groovy

int expected = context.getvariable("currentdataxyz").tointeger() + 1 context.getvariables().put("expecteddataxyz", expected.tostring()) 

i think bit cumbersome, works! if there cleaner way of doing it, nice, or maybe feature request :)



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