json - Copy as Response body dynamic value in xml -

when working xml responses dont have option copy response body dynamic value? facility available json?

update-1: can't seem working

i can add request object key path (dotted xpath) desired data not giving expected results. using "plan.link"

so xml this

<plan>   <id>7286</id>   <piuid>1</piuid>   <title>bollard positions</title>   <link>http://<my-server-name>/port/1/plan/7286.gif</link> </plan> 

and want pick url link element (plan.link)

but paw not reading right , changes request

get / http/1.1 host: echo.paw.cloud connection: close user-agent: paw/3.1.3 (macintosh; os x/10.11.6) gcdhttprequest 

i'm doing wrong not sure what.

any suggestions?

that's true, sadly cannot right-click , pick copy response body dynamic value xml responses (only works json , form url-encoded).

though, can manually set dynamic value point field.

  1. right-click on field want insert reference, , choose response > response parsed body

response parsed body

  1. enter key path node want select, , end text key access string's value.

enter image description here

  1. should working reference. can have preview below.



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