c# - How to group by and split columns dynamically with sql query? -

i have table contains rows below;

id date city     income 1  2013 kansas   10$ 1  2013 kansas   15$ 1  2014 kansas   30$ 2  2013 chicago  50$ ... 

i need such query transform this;

id date city     income1 income2 1  2013 kansas   10$     15$ 1  2014 kansas   30$ 2  2013 chicago  50$ ... 

so should group id, date split income values different columns.. how try achieve thing not right;

select id, date, min(city), concat(income,',') [sheet 1$] group id, date 

create table table1(id int, year int, city varchar(10), income int)   insert table1 values(1,  2013, 'kansas',   10) insert table1 values(1,  2013, 'kansas',   10) insert table1 values(1,  2013, 'kansas',   15) insert table1 values(1,  2014, 'kansas',  30) insert table1 values(2,  2013, 'chicago',  50)  select max(rn) maxcol from(         select *, row_number() over(partition id,year order id) rn         table1     )as tbl1   select *  (   select *, row_number() over(partition id,year order id) rn   table1 ) src pivot (   max(income)   rn in ([1], [2], [3]) ) piv; 

actually dynamic sql option when number of income value(count) per year not fixed.

link live demo on sql fiddle



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