php - Custom authorization parameter for a policy -

usually, policy, have parameters user , corresponding model. not seem work have custom parameters attached, though.

what like:

// mymodelpolicy.php class mymodelpolicy {      public function foo(user $user, mymodel $model, $somestring) { /* ... */ } } 

and in blade:

// some.blade.php @can('foo', $mymodelinstance, 'tralala') 

however, error foo expects 3 parameters , getting two. laravel gate delivers 2 , ignores 'tralala'.

what easiest way accomplish desire?

well, turns out easier thought of... documentation fails give short example on have is, use @can in distinct way:

// some.blade.php @can('foo', [$mymodelinstance, 'tralala']) 

well, if api reference, see can wants array , rest follows.



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