php - laravel 5.4 file upload error -

i trying upload excel document in laravel 5.4 using 'maatwebsite/excel'. have 2 systems run web app. first local windows using vagrant homestead. second aws instance running close homestead can get. both have same code base git repository. have updated composer

sudo composer dump-autoload -o sudo composer update 

after composer did it's thing in both machines, aws instance not upload files greater 2 mb.

in /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini have changed:

upload_max_filesize = 100m post_max_size = 100m 

here dd($request->all()) both machines:

vagrant homestead:

array:4 [▼   "_token" => "n6cm28un74nywko8khzrltmy2xplfslwtrvvgypl"   "project_id" => "1"   "modtype" => "replace"   "import" => uploadedfile {#309 ▼     -test: false     -originalname: "test.xlsx"     -mimetype: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"     -size: 2252013     -error: 0     #hashname: null     path: "/tmp"     filename: "phpr0bsd9"     basename: "phpr0bsd9"     pathname: "/tmp/phpr0bsd9"     extension: ""     realpath: "/tmp/phpr0bsd9"     atime: 2017-08-22 01:17:05     mtime: 2017-08-22 01:17:05     ctime: 2017-08-22 01:17:05     inode: 923810     size: 2252013     perms: 0100600     owner: 1000     group: 1000     type: "file"     writable: true     readable: true     executable: false     file: true     dir: false     link: false   } ] 

from aws

array:4 [▼   "_token" => "ktvgapsepgiwaukfklgp4eboure7q1mc4zbxdkzb"   "project_id" => "1"   "modtype" => "replace"   "import" => uploadedfile {#309 ▼     -test: false     -originalname: "test.xlsx"     -mimetype: "application/octet-stream"     -size: 0     -error: 1     #hashname: null     path: ""     filename: ""     basename: ""     pathname: ""     extension: ""     realpath: "/var/www/hrland-homestead-7/public"     atime: 1970-01-01 00:00:00     mtime: 1970-01-01 00:00:00     ctime: 1970-01-01 00:00:00     inode: false     size: false     perms: 00     owner: false     group: false     type: false     writable: false     readable: false     executable: false     file: false     dir: false     link: false   } ] 

how aws instance upload excel documents larger 2 mb?

i forgot restart php service once changed php.ini file

sudo service php7.0-fpm restart 



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