python - Installing packages from a list using pip -

i trying install list of packages using pip.

the code used is:

import pip  def install(package_name):         try:             pip.main(['install', package_name])         except:             print("unable install " + package_name) 

this code works fine , if package not available, gives error:

no matching distributions found

however, trying if installation fails (for eg: invalid package name), want print package failed.

what can done that?

any appreciated, thank you.

try checking return value non-zero, indicates error occurred install. not errors trigger exceptions.

import pip  def install(package_name):         try:             pipcode = pip.main(['install', package_name])             if pipcode != 0:                 print("unable install " + package_name + " ; pipcode %d" % pipcode)         except:             print("unable install " + package_name) 



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