python - ODEintWarning: Illegal input detected (internal error)? -

i want solve odes in python: enter image description here

here code:

import numpy np scipy.integrate import odeint import matplotlib.pyplot plt  def cde(y,t,r1,r2,l1,l2,m,c):     #define vecter of dependent variables     i1,i2,uc = y     #define system of first order equations     dy_dt = [(r2*i2*m/l2 + r1*i1 - uc) / (m**2/l2 - l1),\              (r1*i1 + l1*r2*i2/m - uc) / (m - l1*l2/m),\              i1/c]     return dy_dt  def main():      #initialize vecter of dependent variables     y0 = [0,0,3000]      #initialize other variables     r1 = 10 ** (-3)     r2 = 10 ** (-3)     l1 = 20 * 10 ** (-6)     l2 = 80 * 10 ** (-6)     m = 0.9 * (l1 * l2) ** (1/2)     c = 1000 * 10 ** (-6)         t = np.linspace(0, 0.1, 101)      #build model     sol = odeint(cde, y0, t, args=(r1,r2,l1,l2,m,c))      #plot figure of solution     plt.plot(t, sol[:, 0], 'b', label='i1')     plt.legend(loc='best')     plt.xlabel('t')     plt.grid()     plt.close()      plt.plot(t, sol[:, 1], 'g', label='i2')     plt.legend(loc='best')     plt.xlabel('t')     plt.grid()     plt.close()      plt.plot(t, sol[:, 1], 'r', label='uc')     plt.legend(loc='best')     plt.xlabel('t')     plt.grid()     plt.close()  main() 

the got incorrect results--the solution of model shows doesn't converge why odeintwarning that? how can correct solution?

computing eigenvalues of linear system

dy1=cde([1,0,0],0,r1,r2,l1,l2,m,c) dy2=cde([0,1,0],0,r1,r2,l1,l2,m,c) dy3=cde([0,0,1],0,r1,r2,l1,l2,m,c)  np.linalg.eig([dy1,dy2,dy3]) 

gives result

(array([ -1.63811579e+04,   1.60647105e+04,  -1.24999684e+01]),  array([[ -6.19266551e-02,  -6.11336770e-02,  -4.10359481e-01],         [ -4.49479256e-04,   4.48809049e-04,   9.11909417e-01],         [  9.98080602e-01,  -9.98129487e-01,   5.12941642e-03]])) 

so there component grows exp(1.606e+04*t), has values 10**n @ times t=0.00014333*n explains observed rapid growth.



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