ruby - Excel Table manipulation using Microsoft Graph API -

i'm trying use rest via ruby manipulate tables general purpose excel automation using microsoft graph api , ruby httparty. i'm using commands microsoft graph docs. append row table @ specific location, use

post      workbook/tables/table1/rows {"index":0,"values":[["a","b","c"]]} 

but how update row?

patch       workbook/tables/table1/rows {"index":0,"values":[["a","b","c"]]} 

returns success, no change reflected!

and delete row, there no direct option - solution using range delete method

post      workbook/worksheets/sheet1/range(address='a8:e8')/delete { "shift" : "up" } 

but using same syntax above, try adding range full of values so

post      workbook/worksheets/sheet1/range(address='g10:j10'){"values": [["1","2","3","4"]]} 

and doesn't work, says "invalid parameters"!

theres general lack of documentation , discussion in , microsoft forums in general, active project? missing crucial? can't find way read , write cells easily. preferably @ microsoft explain what's going on?



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