Unable to deploy to Azure Service Fabric from Powershell -

i trying connect secured cluster hosted in south india data center , able deploy application azure service fabric using visual studio when trying deploy application powershell, getting following error :

warning: failed contact naming service. attempting contact failover manager service... warning: failed contact failover manager service, attempting contact fmm... false connect-servicefabriccluster : not ping of provided service fabric gateway endpoints. @ line:7 char:1 + connect-servicefabriccluster -connectionendpoint $endpoint + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + categoryinfo : invalidoperation: (:) [connect-servicefabriccluster], fabrictransientexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : testclusterconnectionerrorid,microsoft.servicefabric.powershell.connectcluster

script cmdlet

connect-servicefabriccluster -connectionendpoint $endpoint            -keepaliveintervalinsec 20            -x509credential -servercertthumbprint $servthumbprint           -findtype findbythumbprint -findvalue  $certthumbprint           -storelocation currentuser -storename cert:\currentuser\my 

ps : passing same values in above cmdlets using visual studio.



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