angular - ngAfterViewInit dosn't work -

//notes module    ////////////  const notesroutes: routes = [    {      path: 'notes',      component: notescomponent,      children: [{        path: 'detail',        component: notesdetailcomponent      }, {        path: '',        redirectto: 'page1',        pathmatch: 'full'      }]    }  ];  //////////////  import { component, oninit, viewchild} '@angular/core';  ...  export class notescomponent{    ngafterviewinit() {      console.log('notes.location ', window.location);    }  }  ///////////////  import { component, oninit, viewchild} '@angular/core';  ...  export class notesdetailcomponent{    ngafterviewinit() {      console.log('detail.location ', window.location);    }  }  /////////////  //notesdetail html: <a routerlink="/notes" routerlinkactive="active">notes</a>  //notes html: <a routerlink="/detail" routerlinkactive="active">detail</a>

when visit routerlink="/detail can see console: detail.location when visit routerlink="/notes" can't see console: notes.location... why? please

maybe reason in parent module:

@ngmodule({            imports: [              browsermodule,              homemodule,              notesmodule,              ngbmodule,              routermodule.forroot([                {                  path         : '',                  loadchildren : './home/home.module#homemodule'}, {                  path         : 'notes',                  loadchildren : './notes/notes.module#notesmodule'}              ])            ],            providers    : [homeservice, appglobal],            declarations : [appcomponent],            bootstrap    : [appcomponent]          })



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