javascript - AngularJS - Run jQuery on route change - Not working -

i have jquery code need run when route changed in single-page angular app.

the function works, because i've added js alert run whenever route changes, , appears correctly, jquery i've tried run on route change doesn't work.

js:$rootscope) { $rootscope.$on('$routechangesuccess', function(event, current, previous) {     console.log('$routechangesuccess: ', current);     alert('route changed');     $('ul.tabs').tabs({         fullwidth: true     });      $('select').material_select();      $('.select-wrapper span.caret').empty().removeclass('caret').addclass('fa').addclass('fa-angle-down');      $('.datepicker').pickadate({         selectmonths: true,         selectyears: 15,         today: 'today',         clear: 'clear',         close: 'cancel',         closeonselect: true,     });      $('.tabs-content').css('height','auto'); }) }) 



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