javascript - controller's function won't work in angular js -

the button code is

<div class="btn-group" align="center">     <button ng-click="myfunction()" id="one" class='btn btn-primary btn1' >save entry</button>     <button ng-click="close_window()" id="two" class='btn btn-primary btn2'>exit</button> </div> 

the new controller is

var app=angular.module('userapp',[])'usercontroller', function($scope)){         $scope.myfunction = function(){             var change= document.getelementbyid("one")             if (change.innerhtml == "save entry")             {                 change.innerhtml = "saved!";             }             else              {                 change.innerhtml = "save entry";             }             return         }          $scope.close_window = function() {             if (confirm("close window?")) {                 window.close();             }               }     } 

this below code working fine if didn't add controller , declared function's

function myfunction(){     var change= document.getelementbyid("one")     if (change.innerhtml == "save entry")     {         change.innerhtml = "saved!";     }     else      {         change.innerhtml = "save entry";     } }  function close_window() {     if (confirm("close window?")) {     close(); } 

but when add controller buttons stop working. tried every function definitions , answers on stack overflow nothing seem working correctly. how button's work inside controller used working?

var app=angular.module('userapp',[])      app.controller('usercontroller', function($scope){          $scope.myfunction = function(){              var change= document.getelementbyid("one")              if (change.innerhtml == "save entry")              {                  change.innerhtml = "saved!";              }              else               {                  change.innerhtml = "save entry";              }              return          }            $scope.close_window = function() {              if (confirm("close window?")) {                  window.close();              }                }      });
<doctype html>  <head>  <script src=""></script>  </head>  <body ng-app="userapp" ng-controller="usercontroller">  <div class="btn-group" align="center">      <button ng-click="myfunction()" id="one" class='btn btn-primary btn1' >save entry</button>      <button ng-click="close_window()" id="two" class='btn btn-primary btn2'>exit</button>  </div>  </body>

you using should directive, used define controller in view.

app.controller('usercontroller', function($scope){     ....... }) 



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