java - Infinity number returns a NumberFormatException even after casting to two decimal places -

i have researched , tried different solutions fix problem keep getting same exception.

i have class called balancebreakdownfee

public class balancebreakdownfee {     private double amount;     private double balance;      public double getamount() {         return amount;     }      public void setamount(double amount) {         this.amount = amount;     }      public double getbalance() {         return balance;     }      public void setbalance(double balance) {         this.balance = balance;     } } 

then have method populates amounts list.

private void addquarterlyfees(){     list<period> periods = getpaymenttermperiods();     int discountpercentage = getdiscountpercentage();     double perquarteramount = getperperiodamount();     double perquarterbalance = perquarteramount;      balancebreakdownfee dp = getdownpayment();     if (discountpercentage >= 100) {         dp.setamount(0);         dp.setbalance(0);         breakdown.add(dp);     } else {         breakdown.add(dp);     }      (period p : periods) {         balancebreakdownfee b = new balancebreakdownfee();         b.setdescription(p.getdescription());         b.setamount(perquarteramount);         if(double.isinfinite(perquarteramount)){         double number = perquarteramount;         number = math.round(number * 100);         number = number / 100;         system.out.println("@addquarterlyfees : "+p.getdescription()+" : "+perquarteramount);         system.out.println("@quarterlyfees casted: "+number);         system.out.println("@addquarterlyfees rounded :"+bigdecimal.valueof(perquarteramount).setscale(2,roundingmode.ceiling));         }         b.setbalance(perquarterbalance);         b.setdeadline(p.getdeadlineofpayment());         breakdown.add(b);     } } 

when run program display values through system.out.println(), console.

@addquarterlyfees : first quarter : infinity @quarterlyfees casted: 9.223372036854776e16 exception in thread "awt-eventqueue-0" java.lang.numberformatexception 

i need 2 decimal places since program i'm writing processing fees involves populating of fees , applying discounts.

how can fix this? have tried , researched hours.

to add, need store values mysql database has table column set decimal(10,2)

if change datatype of balancebreakdownfee fields amount , balance bigdecimal, worry might return bigger numbers

i tried use decimalformat seems it's better use when hiding trailing zeros not converting infinity value actual double 2 decimal places.

then in dao implementation have ff.

cs_addbalbreakdownfee.setstring(1, b.getdescription()); cs_addbalbreakdownfee.setdouble(2, b.getamount()); cs_addbalbreakdownfee.registeroutparameter(3, types.integer); cs_addbalbreakdownfee.executeupdate(); int balancebreakdownfeeid = cs_addbalbreakdownfee.getint(3); 

the actual jtable holding record shows double values correct precision used decimalformat.

however, doesn't fix problem infinity during insert of data mysql.

enter image description here

i'd appreciate suggestion.

thank you.



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