osx - Outlook add-in does not return message from dialog on MacOS -

i developing outlook add-in , displaying dialog using office api:

office.context.ui.displaydialogasync(url, dialogoptions, function (result) {    logindialog = result.value;    logindialog.addeventhandler(microsoft.office.webextension.eventtype.dialogmessagereceived, receiveloginmessage);    logindialog.addeventhandler(microsoft.office.webextension.eventtype.dialogeventreceived, logindialogclosed);    event.completed(); }); 

on windows works both on desktop app , browsers (including chrome). however, when want run on outlook mac not return message dialog.

dialog displayed, has functionality, when want send message stays open. vorlon.js throws in mainwindow:

messages received cannot handlered. message:{"dialogmessage":{"messagetype":0,"messagecontent":"{ …here content... }”}}

any idea if can handle this?



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